Don’t Forget To Breathe!

Breathing. We do it every single day. It is a somewhat passive, reflexive, and innate muscle behavior.  On average, we take 12-20 breaths per minute, adding up to about 36,000 breaths per day.  So, it is vital that we have a diaphragm that works well! The diaphragm is...

The Importance of Stretching – Whether You’re Active Or Not!

Do you know that stretching, even when you’re not consistently exercising, is largely important? Many believe that stretching is an activity reserved for pre and post workout – not true! Incorporating a daily stretching routine can be more beneficial than most would...

Making Fitness Stick!

How can you seamlessly incorporate fitness into your lifestyle? Good question, and one we’d all like to answer.  One way is to shift your perception of what fitness involves. “Fitness” doesn’t have to involve intricate workouts and tricky moves if that’s not your...

Shredded about Stress Fractures?!

A stress fracture is a common injury among runners, and can set back your running schedule by an average of 6 weeks! But what exactly is a stress fracture, and how can it be prevented? Well, never fear were here to answer some questions you may have! What is a stress...

Soreness Vs. Pain- The Battle!

There are endless benefits of exercise; staying active supports our physical and mental wellbeing. To gain strength and make physical improvements, our bodies need to be pushed to an appropriate level where gains can occur. That bring said, every person is different...

Stress Fractures: A Common Injury Explained

Stressed about Stress Fractures?! A stress fracture is a common injury among runners, and can set back your running schedule by an average of 6 weeks! But what exactly is a stress fracture, and how can it be prevented? Well, never fear were here to answer some...