How can you seamlessly incorporate fitness into your lifestyle? Good question, and one we’d all like to answer.  One way is to shift your perception of what fitness involves. “Fitness” doesn’t have to involve intricate workouts and tricky moves if that’s not your thing. Maybe fitness for you is walking for 20min each night, or making a conscious effort to get out of the office and walk throughout the day. Making it happen can be as easy as finding a goal to train for, or just something that makes you happy.

Fitbit has put together a list of some other science-approved ways to keep fitness simple, so it sticks:

Get Outside

Stepping outdoors has been proven to boost happiness and even cause positive thinking. Researchers at Stanford University recently found 90 minutes of walking in a natural environment can reduce repetitive, negative self-thoughts. In other words, taking a hike in a park-like setting can make you feel better about yourself—which can be pretty motivating!

Buddy Up

Solo exercise can help relieve stress, but for some, a partner makes workouts more fun. Research shows it can help keep you accountable, and one study published in the Journal of Sport and Exercise revealed that exercise adherence is related to perceived support—so knowing your friend has your back can help you stick to your plan. The same study showed the buddy effect can make you feel more positive about your routine, too.

Be Efficient

If a long run seems daunting, get outside for three brisk, 10-minute strolls during the day (and get your steps in). Research has long shown three shorter bouts can have similar calorie-burning benefits as one 30-minute session.

So get out there and enjoy the Seattle sun before it’s gone, and bring a friend with you!


“Athlete Tested, Science Approved: 3 Simple Ways to Make Fitness Stick.” Ed. Laura Rosenbaum. Fitbit, 26 Apr. 2016. Web. 23 Aug. 2016.