Most climbing injuries are caused by overuse or overloading the tissue without appropriate counterbalance strength in the body.
Most Common Injuries include:
- Belayers neck
- Rotator cuff strain
- Shoulder impingement
- Biceps tendinopathy
- Triceps tendinopathy
- Lateral epicondylitis
- Medial epicondylitis
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Pulley sprain
- Collateral ligament sprain
Climbing in nature is very repetitive and can lead to tightness and overuse injuries. As a general guideline to prevent overuse injuries, training should balance out and compliment the repetitions. The main muscles used while climbing that cause repetitive strain issues are:
- Finger Flexors
- Biceps
- Pectoralis muscle group
- Cervical (Neck) extensors (while belaying)
- Latissimus Dorsi
Exercises to strengthen the antagonist muscles
1.Finger extension with rubber band
2.Tricep extension with theraband
3.Periscapular strengthening Ws, Ts, Ys
4.Deep neck flexors: Chin tuck
5.Chest and lat openers
If interested in additional information, we recommend this reading suggestion:
Happy climbing!