Seattle Children’s works in and with the community to logo_main_schaddress the health and safety needs of children, teens and their families. They tackle the root cause of illness and injury, provide a voice for families who are not always heard and promote changes that will lead to healthier communities. They work in tandem with the community and government partners to promote child health and wellness as well as access to quality health care throughout the Pacific Northwest region.

For over a century Seattle Children’s has led and participated in a wide variety of campaigns, partnerships and programs to protect child and teen health and safety. They advocate for child and teen health and safety based on research; evidence-based practices; and the strengths, challenges, and barriers identified by patients families and their communities.

Seattle children’s offers classes throughout the year that help to keep the community an active participant in their own health. For more information, and to register for community classes check out their Featured and Community Classes home page at
