
Road Runner Sports Adventure Run is a FREE, 60-minute scavenger-like fun run filled with hundreds of friends, giveaways, raffle prizes, and music happening the first Thursday of every month.

Each month’s run is an exciting adventure as the map of checkpoints is unveiled before hundreds of runners and walkers, just like you! You’ll plot your adventure then hit the road with the goal of collecting as many raffle tickets from as many checkpoints as possible in 60 minutes. The adventure is at your pace so run, walk, sprint, hop, dance…whatever works for you.

Shoes-Small-1024x682Each month you can support a great organization in the community by making a donation. Think of it as good karma for your awesome night of FREE fun! This month 100% of the  proceeds benefit the Ethiopia Project – sending shoes to Ethiopia for those in need.

Bring your friends, kids, parents, even friendly dogs- The Adventure Run is FREE Fun for people of all ages and active levels. Register TODAY at www.adventurerun.com/seattle/